med ready pill box

MedReady: Medication Management

No more over-medicating or forgetting doses. Give your patients ultimate peace of mind with our automatic dispenser, which delivers the right dose at the right time…every time. MedReady features:
  • Cellular connectivity
  • Customized reminder prompts
  • Tamper-proof lock
  • 28 large easy-fill dispensing compartments
  • Dispensing compartments only available at the designated time
  • Online remote programming portal for caregivers
  • Phone, email and text notifications
  • Backup battery protection


This convenient tool can be programmed to dispense medication according to your patients’ specific prescriptions. It can dispense medication up to four times a day and can hold up to 28 doses.

Top of the Line

Featuring cutting-edge technology, this dispenser makes it virtually impossible to over-medicate or miss a dose. Plus, it includes a backup rechargeable battery for power outage protection.

Safe & Secure

Featuring tamper-proof construction with secure edges and utilizing a real lock and key, this dispenser ensures that medications don’t end up in the wrong hands.


Patients will never forget to take their medications again, thanks to our email, text and phone reminders. And they can track their dosage history with our complete monitoring and compliance website.