As we age, our bodies start functioning differently on a biological level. The body absorbs certain foods and drinks in a different manner than it used to. This includes alcohol consumption. The way our body handles alcohol changes with age. According to NIH, in older people, even a little bit of alcohol can make them feel “high” which can result in having more accidents, including falls, fractures, and car accidents. Older women are more sensitive than older men to the effects of alcohol.


Too much alcohol consumption at this age can worsen some health conditions like osteoporosis, high blood pressure, stroke, ulcers, memory loss, mood disorders, and immune system disorders. It can also make it difficult for doctors to find and treat a medical problem because alcohol causes changes in the heart and blood vessels. The changes can diminish the pain that could be a warning sign of a heart attack.

Since drinking results in balance, coordination, and slow reaction times problems, a moderate amount of drinking can result in traffic accidents. It can put others’ safety in risk and can strain relationships with family members, friends, and others.  

As you age, alcohol tolerance is lower and hangovers last longer.  Drinking can worsen forgetfulness, dementia, and hide symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Intoxication can result in bad injuries such as hip fractures and longer recovery periods. Alcohol also accelerates skin aging. Heavy drinking, in particular, can add years to a face. It can add wrinkles, puffiness, dryness, red cheeks, and purple capillaries.

Seniors are more likely to take medicine for various reasons so it’s important to be aware that alcohol can interfere with prescription and over the counter drugs. Mixing the two can reduce or intensify the effects of drugs. This, in turn, can affect liver function. Liver function decreases with age which makes it harder for the body to break down and get rid of medication. On top of that, adding alcohol can affects the liver and increase risk of drug side effects.


Not only that, but drinking alcohol disrupts sleep. It worsens insomnia and keeps seniors from falling and/or staying asleep. Along with that, it dehydrates the body and makes a person urinate more. The body’s ability to detect thirst and conserve water decreases over the years so it becomes dangerous to face dehydration. Signs of dehydration in seniors can include confusion, incoherence, constipation, and falls.

Here at BlueStar, it is our goal to keep you and your loved ones Safe, Healthy, and Connected. We do this by offering best medical alert systems and solutions for falls and injuries that are available on our website. These senior life health products can deliver push-button emergency help so you are never alone. If you have any questions, please contact a product specialist today at (800) 300-1724, option 1!